Has Jesus Stood in Front of Me

Here's a new text reflecting on the news of late. I imagine singing it to HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN, which would require going back to stanza one at the end to get the ABABA form. But it could be combined with any number of familiar CM tunes, such as NEW BRITAIN (Amazing Grace) or McKEE. Use it freely through February, 2017; report use if you have a onelicense.net account. (You will need to manually enter it.)

Has Jesus stood in front of me,
unseen before my eyes?
He comes, a weary refugee,
and calls through strangers’ cries.

Has Jesus met me in the street
in someone I found strange—
in one who seeks a bite to eat,
or asks for extra change?

Has Jesus knocked upon my door
and sought a place to stay?
If I refuse to bless the poor,
will God turn me away?

Will Jesus find us puffed with pride,
or humble, last, and least?
He calls all hungry souls inside
to share in God’s great feast.

Adam M. L. Tice, January 31, 2017; ©2017 GIA Publications, Inc.


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