New Sally Morris collection

Ok, I'm pretty biased because there are more than a few of my texts included... 25, to be exact... But Sally Ann Morris' new tune collection is spectacular. Her setting of Mary Louise Bringle's text "You Search Me and Know Me, O My God" alone is worth the cost of the book. I love that Sally finds a "voice" for each writer she works with. (For my texts she leans towards jazz.) That means there is substantial stylistic variety in the collection. Some future musicologist should compare how she sets her various writers' work. Many of the tunes for my work have been previously published in my last few collections; however, there are still several new discoveries to enjoy; newly written tunes for my older texts, and one text never before published. Head over to GIA to order your copy . See also Sally's previous two books: To Sing the Artists' Praise , and Giving Thanks in Prayer and Song . Sally and I also collaborated on a recording: Walk...